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henry park primary

1E6 '07
20th june 1994
siblings:a older sister(ilena)

jessica taye
jessica ng

Designer - zizi- CREATIONS (:
Pictures - sxc.

  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • July 2007

  • taggs.

    Sunday, July 01, 2007

    my week was normal school week. only thursday. thursday went to pulau semakau wanted to put up the pictures of the trip, but didn't manage to, will put it up another time. took a whole lot of photos, and don;t know why everyone was going around taking pictures of each other. i didn't know that singapore was actually made up of 32 islands, 32 small islands. all the different pulau ++. we hardly did anything at pulau semakau lah. just took a tour around there and a presentation about the island, thats all. oh ya watched transformers, its so nice! but my dad says its not nice.

    8:36 PM guitar;

    Saturday, June 23, 2007

    today woke up early to go for my badminton training at Toa Payo HDB hub. picked u my cousin then went there. then my cousin so funny. he say my uncle not there then my other cousin also not there so why we come for. i say they not there still can train what. then he keep saying he don't want. so end up never go for training lor. then went to my aunt's place for lunch. got my hair cut too. school starting already and my hair was like even able to cover my eyes already i think. so sad all my hair i saved for so long all gone. hahaha. aiya i planned to just see how it looked like after my holidays only anyways.then after that went to CC play badminton, played for awhile then have to go to church for youth. at youth as usual did mentoring then short service then had to clean up the church cause youth duty. so yeah tomorrow got church and no skating so sad, only got badminton.

    8:16 PM guitar;

    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    [18 June 2007]

    my cousin stayed at my house last night. my dad brought my cousin and i to watch pirates of the caribbean:at worlds end at vivo city. it was nice but long. then came home played X-box with my cousin, and he lost in everything he played. hahaha.

    [19 June 2007]

    went to sentosa with my dad, mum, grandmother and cousin. took monorail from vivo then went to take sky and luge ride. my cousin is actually afraid of heights but he overcame his fear. yea! then took the carlsberg sky tower ride, watch some pirate show at the 4D Magix theatre. it was fun and painfull. theres this thin rubber tube below the chair that when the crabs pinched the pirates they'll wip us. then when the bees stinked the pirates they'll blow air at our heads. then when water was splashed at the pirates or when the pirates spited water they'll splash us with water. and when the pirates get hit or waked the chair will rock. there was a child who cried and the chair rocked so hard my phone droped out of my pockets and i almost lost it. then we went to "images of singapore" haven't went there for a very long time, and now it looks so different from the last time i went when i was still a small boy. here are some pictures of the trip:

    on the sky ride acting scared

    the wind so shiok!

    where shall we go next?

    in the carlsberg sky tower (i look stiff cause i was trying to look all the way down to the bottom)

    images of singapore (mueseum):

    honeydew anyone?

    very painful! not because its hot, because the ground is rocky.(on the indian cerimony thing)

    you want an ice ball?(my cousin and i)

    i became a chinese opera performer

    my cousin and i at a malaysian kampong

    my cousin, dad and i on old army truck

    at dinner:

    just a picture of my grandmother, sister, me and my cousin
    my "birthday cake", only a cup of tiramisu. (did that only for fun)
    [20 June 2007]
    went to vivo again to watch fantastic 4:rise of the silver surfer with my two cousins. we caried so many of our badminton stuff that we looked like we were going into the cinema to play badminton. felt so wierd carrying all my badminton stuff in vivo. then after the movie walked around vivo with my mum, grandmother, aunty, and cousins. only sat at a cafe and get some snacks before the badminton game only. then went to play badminton with my two cousins and mum. i lost to my cousin again. noooooo..... its ok, didn't really play very well anyway, wasn't in the best mood to play badminton. i'm sure i still can beat him. then after one hour of playing my mother's colleuges started coming. so just played with them a little. alot of people instead of playing badminton they played more chapteh. i don't know why but now i suddenly like playing chapteh. and i'm quite good in it.
    [21 June 2007]
    woke up quite early cause wanted to go to my cousin's house to play. cause i at home nothing to do. so took a train there. played monopoly, watched tv and slept there for awhile. actually i didn't plan to stay there for a night so didn't bring anything. but i ended up staying for a night anyway.
    [22 June 2007]
    woke up early again to play badminton with my cousins. played badminton then went back to my cousin's house to shower then watched tv for awhile before going back home. i was wearing a rally big t-shirt and a pants that looked like for sleeping wear, so it felt really wierd walking in public like that. but who cares i walked fast and reached home. then had tuition. my tuition teacher is so wierd. she gave us a whole lot of homework and then we were complainng amongs ourselves and then she suddenly came to us and told us that she has not been giving us alot of homework lately so we should be thankful. she also said towards end-year exams she'll give more homework. i'm gonna die man.

    7:26 PM guitar;

    Sunday, June 17, 2007

    at church there was a special preacher from South Africa. he was the youngest heavy weight boxer championship. so cool. then my dad and i held a "skating class". just teach a group of people from church how to skate. then jessica taye say on her blog she never fall but thats because everytime she's gonna fall she'll hold on to me and i don't fall. then clemens is so funny. he kept falling. it was fun i want to do it again! then i had my BBQ birthday party in advance at my aunt's place. it was fun too. swam most of the time with my cousins. this is the first time that when i swim i get so many injuries. ythen i didn't get to do much BBQing. i just swam come out of the water for awhile to eat the already BBQed food and back into the water again. it was so fun but so many of my cousins didn't know that the BBQ party was to celebrate my birthday in advance. will upload pictures of the party too, but there is not alot of pirtures with me.

    7:45 PM guitar;

    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    i'm actually posting so late. anyway i actually made a good friend within 2 days. thats so cool. my holidays haven't been any better so far. whole day infront of the laptop and tv. so boring. and i actually miss school. not missing the teachers, study and scolding but the friends and playing soccer and everything fun i usually do at school. oh man don't know what to post. i'm getting home sick. sick of being at home the whole day. my birthday is really close. can't wait! mybe i can make myself busy organising my party. hmm... i shall try doing that tomorrow, or rather later in the day.

    9:46 PM guitar;

    Sunday, June 10, 2007

    the police carnival is so boring. the games there are like all for small children. there was this mini motorcycle thing, there was an adult on the small bike that looked so funny. then there was another adult that just could not get her balance on her bike. even funier! then seeing this two small kids who were quite good in that mini motorcycling keep overtaking adults trying to ride was the funiest. then went through those busses with the display inside it. i played with a gun without bullets. and its actually quite hard to pull a trigger of a gun. i also handcuffed myself then let myself out. the handcuffs could be locked and opened anytime. then there was a whole lot of nicely decorated cars. and for the first time in my life i think i saw a real aston martin. so cool, and it was a singapore car. then played badminton again. today play like crap, so unhappy. then my cousins came to my house to eat and play x-box. we hardly got to play x-box. my birthday is so near now. can't wait!

    6:57 PM guitar;

    Saturday, June 09, 2007

    today story very boring! morning, badminton. afternoon, badminton. but the afternoon's badminton game was much more fun. i managed to beat my cousin who i have always wanted to beat! yea! then i had so many problems during the last game. and my partner hurt his leg. but we still won my two cousins anyway. hahaha. didn't go to church today. so miss going to church. last week i was in Desaru so didn't go to church either. tomorrow will have to go to church for service anyway. tomorrow will be going to the police carnival with my cousins will tell your what happened tomorrow.

    6:36 PM guitar;